Saturday, September 08, 2007

Baby needs to update his blog!

Micah has been fired, permanently. Effective immediately I, his mother, will be regaining exclusive writing rights on this blog until Micah can prove he has an attention span of at least 3 minutes in any other aspect of his life.

It has been a busy month for the family: travel to New England, dinner parties, behavioral economics experiments, math camp, band camp (aka: Sylvia's wedding), where to begin? How about at home and Micah's penchant for picking unripe fruit-- tomatoes and strawberries being chief among them.
We intercepted and Micah managed to pick a ripe one here, but trust me, "fried green tomatoes" have features heavily in our summer fare.
Than there was that nasty pox outbreak in our house:
We survived...but barely.

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