Sunday, September 23, 2007


Watch Micah try to figure out this one:

Our apologies--but it isn't my fault! Zack has been monopolizing the computer. Seems he's close to achieving this whole PhD thing and well, this is crunch time. We are eagerly awaiting October 5th when the latest Job Opportunities for Economists is posted and we can have some (albeit extremely rough) idea of the possible places in the world we could be moving to. But enough about us, we know what you really came here for.

Micah had his 15 month check up on Friday. The stats: He weighed in at 24lbs 3 oz--respectable given he was sick all last week and hardly ate a thing. That was good enough for 50th percentile. He is 33" tall (long) which put him in at 90th percentile. Conclusion: still long and lean, and otherwise in excellent health.

I wish I could pepper you with photos but it seems we don't photograph our child anymore. I guess ever since he got kind of un-cute...
It is not his dastardly good looks that have kept us from photographing him, just his quickening stride.

We'll have you know Micah is becoming quite the chatterbox too (wonder where he gets that from?). In fact he has been sitting in his crib the past twenty minutes merrily having a conversation with himself. He's added "more" to his vocabulary (just in time for him to start signing it with his hands, incidentally--damn baby sign language!). "More" can mean both "more" but also "I want" as in he is watching you eat or drink something that he wants and he says, "more" or tugs at my shirt and says, "more"--not embarrassing in the least, let me tell you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be very upset if your little experiment turned young Micah off of Prince forever.
