Saturday, September 08, 2007

PC is the place to be

The spoon goes to Putnam Camp:

Ahhh, Putnam Camp, that idyllic retreat nestled in the Adirondack's High Peaks Region. So much to do, and sadly just two and half days to do it. Still two and half days was better than no days, plus we got to see Nick and ( a very preggers) Kristin.

Collecting croquet balls on the lawn:

Special ASHLINE delivery for the Farm House:
Relaxing in the quintessential Adirondack chair:

Playing ball with Grandpa on the Bungalow porch:

Wooden carts to play in:

Attempted family portrait:

Micah, Mama and Thyme on Tucker and Sylvia's bench:

What would PC be without bagging a few peaks? In my case I climbed two: Porter and Cascade, meeting up with (or should I say beating) the rest of the family up Cascade after bagging Porter (I am officially a 5er for those who know or care):

On the way up (prunes in Micah's mouth--they took effect at the top of Cascade):

And would PC be complete without getting wet? The Ladies pool, outdoor shower or a dip in the Boquet:

Did I mention Micah can walk down stairs now? If there is the appropriate height handrail he'll make the attempt upright:

Sadly I report no blueberries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I taught him that!!!!!