Saturday, February 23, 2008

Potty progress

News flash: Yesterday Micah went pee three times in the potty (with a two-fer on the first occasion). In his excitement to show his daddy what he had made, he accidentally spilled the contents all over the carpet by the bathroom. I spent the morning sanitizing against fecal matter.

Today he relieved himself three times outside the confines of his diaper. I am pleased to report two of those times were in the potty and the third, well, the Oxy-clean I have says it is good for removing pet stains and the third time qualified. Oh, and I suppose in an effort at full disclosure: I shouldn't forget the two times he peed on me when he was "airing out" (as Zack likes to call it). Yep, these are exciting times around here. I know. I know. Enough with the poop talk.

I'll spare you another glimpse of my son's turds in all their glory and share this clip from our reggae dance party yesterday (the necklace is required dance wear per Micah's instructions):

1 comment:

JoSco said...

Awesome moves, cuz - on the dance floor and on the potty!