Sunday, February 03, 2008


We signed Micah up for "gymnastics" a few weeks ago thereby officially entering the realm of "extracurriculars-that-cost-how much?!" Any one who knows me knows that I come from circus clown stock (not to mention the first acrobats to ice skate on their hands and do a double flip flop ending with a somersault through a fiery hoop wearing ice skates). Micah hails from tumblers, strong men, contortionists and trapeze artists and has a fair amount of the theatre in his blood.

My granddad (had he been buried) would be turning in the proverbial grave at Micah's rather timid and pedestrian approach to gymnastics class. While others merrily romp on the rings, twist through tunnels, balance on beams, clamor on uneven bars and run around the fully padded room with reckless abandon, my son is content to watch...

and in a bolder moment, slide down the slide (ummm, aren't there like three of those within a two block radius of our home that don't cost money to go on?)

1 comment:

JoSco said...

We missed you in blogspace and in real life, too. As for watching from the sidelines, I'm with you there, cuz. I much prefer to watch the other kids play with the parachute at baby gym that actually participate myself!