Saturday, February 23, 2008

Meet "Puppy-Doggie"

Micah has a puppy, or a doggie, or sometime he refers to it as both "puppy-doggie". Puppy-doggie is our desperate attempt to create a security object who can stay with Micah as he falls asleep. For quite sometime now Micah has been going to bed nicely and sleeping through the night. It seems Micah does not want to go to bed anymore. With Zack's multi-day disappearances of late and the excitement of a toddler's life, bedtime has become a battle. The routine that previously got him in the sleepy-time mood: bath, P.J.s, warm milk, teeth brushing, story time and the lullaby Zack and I each sing him, now serve as a cue of what is to come: seperation, dark and loneliness. It's been a bit rough, but we're firm in our resolve that he must fall asleep on his own, well not entirely alone. Now he has puppy-doggie to comfort him.

Today I noticed Micah sucking on his floppy ears. The thought has crossed my mind that I may need to find a back up...just in case.

Here Micah "feeds" puppy-doggie some egg:

1 comment:

JoSco said...

My mommy just bought a 2nd identical puppy for me since I'm working on fully ingesting sacred puppy #1 - that's how much I love him. And I can't sleep without him, even if he's taking a bath in the washing machine, so...