Thursday, November 15, 2007

Almost a year and half

So the OCD in me is severely disheartened to know that I got to nearly a year and half honoring Micah's month birthday on the day or within a day and my string of careful observance ended this month. Six days late is pretty pathetic by my neurotic standards, but hey, it means he is that much closer to "almost a year and a half" which is what I would have referred to November 9th as anyway (The books call it 17th months).

"Why, pray tell?" am I only now getting around to this you may ask (actually you're NOT asking, because people just don't really care about these sort of things like I do, but indulge me). Well over 70 job applications out the door and counting is why. Zack has been pulling some serious all nighters and this Job Market thing is in effect, man. It has been pure survival mode around here, which on a positive note means I've actually had to cook less as my frugal husband has opted to have us order in under the pressure. But "waaaa! waaaaa!" you're (definitely) saying, "show us the kid!"

Look at those blond locks:

Topless dining:
We had a pretty major first last weekend:

Yep, he is looking at what you think he is....

"C'mon one time for the ladies say 'Poop there it is!' Now all the fellas say 'Poop there it is!' ..."(to be sung to the rhythm of "Hoop there it is!") I'd like to say it was completely self-initiated and wasn't a matter of my noticing Micah getting quiet, squatting behind the chair and going red-faced, and instead whipping him up in my arms, having him drop trow and thrusting him upon his potty, but steps. Let's also say I haven't thrown out any of the diapers and purchased any superman tighty whities quite yet. It has yet to be repeated. But in the positive direction Micah is more than happy to share with you, "Poop!" after he has, well, pooped, in his diaper.

Oh, and in case you really wanted to know (which you must because you're still reading) no, that wasn't all of it. The moment we got his diaper back on Micah completed his duty in the comfort of his own pants. Awwwww...

Any thing else I can share?


Kareen said...

Ohmegod. I don't know if I needed that, but I am so proud of my grandson. Nanny

Mel said...

oh my I'm laughing with tears... that picture is worth 1000 words... thank you for that, it made my day (much needed at 9:18pm)