Tuesday, October 09, 2007

N-O spells no!

To mark Micah's one year and 4 month birthday, the dreaded, yet highly anticipated word, "No!" has officially entered his vocabulary. Not that today was the first time, per se, that we heard the word, but it was the first time we heard it with such frequency and determination. Let's go inside, "No!" Do you want dinner?, "No." Up the stairs, "No." You get the idea.

Thankfully it isn't that stubborn, bratty "no" (yet) but more of a gentle, upwardly inflected sort of "no." More like a question, "no?". But, it is here to stay I am afraid.

Nooooooooooo, say it ain't so!

(Yes, we forgot to take a picture today.)

1 comment:

JoSco said...

Happy 1+4 month birthday, Micah! I like to shake my finger and head emphatically whenever my Mom says "no" and then go do whatever it was I was doing, anyway. I haven't learned to say it myself yet, although I've found that if I just scream and kick, it has a similar effect.