Monday, October 15, 2007

choo choo mania

Choo choos have been on the brain. Of course it probably helps that one goes by approximately every twenty minutes. It is with great delight that I report the era of BRIO has arrived. Faced with an interminably long rainy day indoors I made a rare visit to a local toy store that sells used toys, appropriately named "Toys Go Round". We've managed to benefit from the myriad hand me downs and loaners up until now, but trains were something I was willing to invest in. To Micah's delight (and my relief) they had some brio track and a cool draw bridge for sale. Our collection is officially on its way (I know you're just itching to see how you might contribute, so see Micah's drool list to the left). To see Micah playing trains three ways, read on.

Micah wakes up in the morning and the first thing he says is, "Choo choo!" Here we have trains by morning:

And trains by night:

And trains by diaper:


JoSco said...

Cool Gocks. I will definitely be drooling on those when I visit in December (literally - I'm still teething).

Mel said...

Those trains look great. I want to get a train set for Reece someday - is this the brand to get? (I have learned to go by your recommendations without question...)