Tuesday, May 22, 2007

flying colors

Micah passed his first (short) day at day care with flying colors. He apparently didn't cry once and even ate green beans! The day care provider's assistant, Zahara, even asked if he had been in day care before he was so well behaved. Naturally he was happy to seem me, but honestly, once he got a milk fix, I could have disappeared. We're going to bump the hours up tomorrow from 3 to 5 and see how he does. Then Thursday it is a full 8 hours. Hopefully he'll start to nap there (Cross your fingers).

p.s. In case you were wondering, YES! the 3 hours of free, unencumbered, there-is-no-risk-of-Micah-waking-from-a-nap time was incredible! What will I do tomorrow?

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