Wednesday, January 10, 2007

ergo the ergo

So Micah hit the 20lb mark a while back and as much as I loved my gorgeous Guatemalan wrap (or as seen here), I had to move on. Micah weighed too much, therefore the Ergo! Or as Zack says Decartes would say, "Gravita ergo Ergo" --bonus points for anyone who gets that reference. My shoulders are much happier. The hip belt really absorbs his weight-- much like a backpacking pack does. We still have the front carry position where he can nestle into me and now the back position (which technically I could have done with the wrap too--I was just chicken to try slinging him on my back and tying him up properly in the fabric). I love wearing Micah on my back---waaaay better than carrying textbooks around in a backpack. And how cute is he!


Mel said...

You two are the cutest!

JoSco said...

Keep me posted on the ergo - my mom's thinking about getting one when her back gives out from lugging me in the baby bjorn... which at the rate I'm going, will be very soon. Also, do you ever wear it with micah facing out? the ergo website made it seem like you can't but i was curious- of course, i haven't been for a ride in the bjorn facing out yet either, but any day now my head/neck should be strong enough.