Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Catching up Part 1: The first month

Oh geez, where to begin. Let's start with noises--both endearing and god damn maddening. Endearing: 1) Micah's sneezes. He makes this high pitched sound that stretches out the last syllable of the sneeze (A-chooooo!) --a sound that is virtually impossible to describe in words just how cute it is. 2) Micah's sweet baby sighs while napping. It is this melodious sing song noise in rhythm with his breath.
Maddening: The grunting. Hands down. I'd take crying any day over this. We have dubbed Micah, "Gruntzilla" for his early morning--and I mean early-- sleep-grunts. And no, he is not constipated. He, of course, is sleeping merrily along--just grunting the whole time.

In terms of physical developments
, by the end of the month he definetly started to notice his world beyond two feet and my breast. He was even able to be weight bearing on his legs--a feat not accomplished typically until the third month according to my baby book (she says brimming with pride).

Other than that I guess I'd add that this boy likes to eat! By his two week check up he had gained nearly two pounds over his hospital discharge weight of 7 lbs 5 oz. The doctor explained that by the 2 week check up they usually hope that they've made up the weight they lost in the hospital. Micah was well above his 7lbs 13 oz birth weight. Somehow I wasn't surprised thinking of the nightly feeds every two hours I had been enduring up until that point (and presently I might add).

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