Thursday, February 19, 2009


It's here. I knew this phase would come and I dreaded it. But so far it's not that bad, we just have to be patient and creative.

"Why are the bakers' nails white?" (in "In The Night Kitchen")
"Why is Harold falling through the air?"

"Why..." the inside of this artichoke not purple like the last one?
...don't I want any more juice?

Why? Why? Why?

Also, cute alert: in Micah's mind, we brought money over to our neighbor Gigi to say 'thank you' for bringing us some Girl Scout cookies.

1 comment:

Thomas Chappelear said...

We now have a house rule: only four "Why"s in a row before Ben has to ask a different question.

I always try to answer each why as best I can, but I've found that after four layers of explanation, I'm usually standing at the edge of some vast epistemological or philosophical chasm about the nature of truth, good and evil, or, um, aerodynamics.