Saturday, February 07, 2009

mountains and city

Why did we choose to come here, to Port Townsend, WA, in the middle of the dreary Pacific-Northwest winter? Besides the chance to catch up with our friends, it offered us Olympics, orcas, and Seattle-- all within spitting distance.

On the remaining days of our trip, we drove to Port Angeles, where we encountered some disappointing, Montana-grade seafood and checked out just a teeeeny bit of the National Park:
Another day we ditched our cars and took the ferry to Seattle. Micah enjoyed the ferry ride, both there and back, and was very excited by all the things he could see from the top of the Space Needle: trains, monorails, buses, floatplanes (landing and taking off), construction sites with big cranes, and two heliports and a helicopter flying beneath us and landing on one of them. The grownups, feeling deprived since leaving the Bay Area (especially the Montanans), enjoyed some quality food.

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