Thursday, January 22, 2009

we're off

Again. We're leaving early Friday morning to head up to Seattle for some fun with Nikko, his parents, and the Anton-bear (scroll down if you followed the link) on the Olympic Peninsula. We admit that this is a bit decadent so close on the heels of our recent Christmas/New Years trip to Nanny and Pop-pop's.

Micah's been on antibiotics for three days now and seems to be a bit better physically. Behaviorally, he's been quite challenging. I suspect it's a combination of still feeling a bit sick, having been spoiled and in general not held responsible for his own behavior for a while when he was very sick, and being two and a half. Take away all the battles, tantrums, cajoling, and contrariness, though, and he's still a very sweet boy.

I (Zack) am back to about 80 or 90 percent after getting some decent sleep for a few days, and Amy is simply getting used or resigned to feeling awful. She's pulled a muscle on her side/back from all the coughing, though at least she's vomiting less. Ok, maybe we deserve another vacation after all.

In other news, the heat wave (that followed the cold snap) finally broke and we've seen some light rain in the past few days. I've also been seeing a lot of dolphins on my morning bus commute. They're quite beautiful, but slow things down a bit because they never have exact change. Har! Seriously, I look out the window on the stretch from Ventura to Carpenteria and can see them right next to the shore, practically in the surf.

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