Friday, January 16, 2009

Midwife appointment

Micah was very excited to go to the appointment with the midwives this morning to see the "machine" (dump truck toy in the reception) and use the "blue thing" (either the blood pressure cuff or gel for the doppler). He had the routine down upon arrival, thanks to Dawn's patient tutoring last time, but had to be reminded that the appointment was actually for me and the baby first and then he could have his turn...

Heart rate: 98/62 (and mom, I weighed in at 118.5--"steady and good weight gain," so quit your worrying)
My uterus measured about 19 weeks, but I am officially 20 weeks (half way there!)
Fetal heartbeat(Hello baby!):

With every additional request Micah made to measure his belly again or hear his own heartbeat with the doppler I was amazed at how understanding and inclusive these women were of Micah and nurturing of his curiosity.

Sue's diagnosis upon hearing Micah excited heartbeat: "Sounds like you're going to be a healthy, strong big brother."

Measuring Micah's belly:

I also left convinced that all this extra time would have never happened at my old ob/gyn's office. "Midwife" is now deeply entrenched in his vocabulary.

In California there are apparently only 11 birth centers staffed by licensed midwives: Ventura has 2 of them while Berkeley, of all places, has none.

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