Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Micah has been making very good progress on potty-training and now goes diaperless all day without accident. He's been a bit more reluctant to go No.2 on the potty, instead electing to hold it in. As of this evening he'd been corked up for a few days, and I knew that he had to get it out or things would get worse. I fed him a big dinner and waited for the GCR to kick in. Minutes later, he made a start for the corner, his favorite spot. Luckily, I was paying attention (this time) so I whisked him off to the bathroom before he could get going. He protested at first, but soon gave in to the simple call coming from his bowels. After one reading of the Grandpa Tree and three times through Everyone Poops, he got to dump/flush and enjoy some PBME (the E stands for Euphoria).


JoSco said...

Pooptastic! Seriously, cuz, don't hold it in - that could get uncomfortable...

Unknown said...

Micah, I heard that your dad once held it for NINE days at summer camp!

Mel said...

Amy, you make me laugh, even when I am sick and feel like crap.
No pun intended...