Friday, August 08, 2008

Lay up

No, not the basketball maneuver, rather what you do in the morning when you get out of bed. In the dictionary of Micah, one "lays down" to go to bed and "lays up" upon awaking. That little kernel of a Micah-ism will have to tide you over until the new camera arrives early next week. Of course then I am just taking it with me to Nigeria on the 16th--but I promise, we will get you some visuals soon. I think Micah may be even cuter now (if you can even begin to imagine such a thing!).

In other news, we have gone bold, and eliminated diapers during the day. At day care he is in pull ups during nap time, but other than that Micah is finally learning the ramifications of peeing in one's pants when there isn't layers of highly absorbent material between you and your skin. Of course, WE too are learning the ramifications of such an arrangement, and as Melodie so aptly foresaw, some "scrapping" has ensued...but all in all Micah is adjusting very well and we are being diligent about making potty a routine throughout the day. We have even picked him up from school twice now in the same clothes we dropped him off in--which is surely a good sign. The impetus was the book, "Diaper Free by 3" which I voraciously read in one afternoon. I really wish I had of read it before I had Micah, but there you have it. I've always said Micah is our practice child.


JoSco said...

Wow - you are very brave parents of a 2 year old! I still don't know when I'm peeing, so I think I'll be in diapers for a long, long time. Lpve, Joe

Anonymous said...

I hear poop is the new black....

Mel said...

I added that book to my Amazon list... when can we start?!!? I'm getting pooped of poop.