Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hodge-podge moving stuff

Just to back-track quickly. Pre-move, while Zack and I were living the high life in Berkeley, we went for a Chez Panisse dinner and were dorky enough to have our photo taken in front of this Berkeley iconic eatery:

YUMMY! Too bad they don't deliver to Southern California. Then of course there was the saying goodbye bit. Here Micah bades farewell to his pals Lucy and Nikko:

(I'm just trying to keep Micah from not toppling her over, not forcing him on her.)

But that all seems ages ago, since the boxes, picture and shelf hanging, organizing and re-stocking:

And no, the little toy kitchen actually is not ours. Unfortunately the movers thought so and I'm just hoping there isn't some poor child back at UC Village (land of the discarded Little Tikes plastic monstrosities) wondering where his kitchen went. Oopsees.

Despite what you may think, moving with a two-year-old wasn't nearly as painful as one could imagine. Not with so many cardboard TUNNELS around:

Of course it helped that I'm neurotic and had the place unpacked in under three days, effectively cutting down on the time we were living out of boxes. While we were feverishly finding a place for everything and putting everything in its place, Micah managed to entertain himself:

You get the idea. There were 27 such photos on our camera by the time we noticed he was being suspiciously quiet. But we are here. Home. And it feels nice.

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