Sunday, June 29, 2008

drum roll

The photos tell the whole story.
The first cut.
I have NO idea what I am doing.

Micah was watching, what else, trains! on You Tube to occupy him. Unfortunately the head bobbing with each choo-choo-choo meant he nearly lost an ear one or two times.

So cutting the fine hair on the head of a constantly moving two-year-old is up there in the category of "Life's Greatest Challenges"

Like he just stepped out of a salon....or from under his mother's haphazard scissors...

The irony, of course, is that I didn't touch the front. I just LOVE it how his hair falls in his eyes and he has to brush it aside.

(and that $300 highlight job is au natural, baby)


JoSco said...

Nice do, cuz. Your mom is a better stylist than my Dad!

Mel said...

Great job, Mom!