Micah got his first two teeth on the first night of hannukah..and what a gift it has been for me, let me tell you! Technically Josh gets credit for discovering the sharp jaggedy things protruding from Micah's bottom gum...but of course I don't think it really counts since he didn't realize that the sharp jaggedy things were protruding teeth, just, you know... sharp jaggedy things protruding from a baby's gums.
But I suppose before I go any further I owe all of you faithful Micah fans an apology for the severely lapsed entries this month. What can I say...we're a busy family. Sorry.
So, the stats: Micah had his 6 month check up and I am proud to say he weighed in at just shy of 20 lbs (19lbs 7 oz) which corresponds to 90th percentile for weight and he is a whopping 28" long (high?) which corresponds to 97th percentile for height--woo hoo, he'll be on Space Mountain in no time (for the Grossmans who refuse to go to Disneyland, that would be a really fun rollercoaster that requires you to be at least as tall as R2D2 or something to ride). He is finally above the mean for head circumfrence and therefore no longer a pinhead. I have since been scolded by a woman to stop measuring my child and just accept him for who he is--umm, no duh. Geez, it's not like I've signed him up for SAT prep classes already (there's still time, right?).
Micah helps Bernie light the Hannukah candle the first night
Micah oversees the latke preparations ("hey, daddy, more onion...")
But it was Joey who was "Grandma's little latke"
Two teeth - wow! All the better to bite me with next time...
Eeks - how is that with the breastfeeding?? I hope he knows how to do it without the teeth...
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