Thursday, December 08, 2011

things that come out of Levi's mouth

...besides drool, that is. Levi is quite a talker and he says some very interesting/cute things.

-When Amy is calling out to Micah around the house, she'll sometimes use a sing-song voice and include his middle name: "Micah Forest!...Micah Forest!..." Levi must have picked up on this, because we heard him calling her: "Mama Forest!...Mama Forest!..."

-If we are trying to get the boys' attention when they are engrossed in play, we'll come into the room and say, "Boys!" So when Levi wants our attention, he's been known to come into the room and say, "Boys!"

-Levi does not like getting his hair wet in the bath/shower and having the water run into his eyes. When we insist on washing his hair, he'll warn as he gets increasingly upset with, "I'm going to cry! I'm going to cry," and then, "I'm crying!" as he finally breaks down into tears. Of course, he's still working on some of his phonetics, so "cry" often sounds like "fry".

-"C'mon, baby!" He must have picked this up from school. He even used it once when struggling to stab some pasta with his fork, when a frustrated "c'mon" would be entirely appropriate. But after a pause, he added in the "baby!"
"C'mon baby!"

-He very excitedly talks about the new pet turtle at his school and adorably mangles her name, Turtleena.

-He talks about his friend Zerek from school, and Morgandy ("Wardy" or "Wardandy"), much in the way Micah at that age would come home talking about Tova ("I give Tova huggies")

-The little potato figure sitting on the logo of the nearby futon store (The Couch Potato) looks like Humpty Dumpty to Levi and causes him to burst out with his version of the verse: "Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, all the King's horses and...(garbled, comic syllables that vaguely resemble the last line)!"

-At some point, when he wanted to do something after dinner, when it was already dark out, he must have registered our response that it was "too late" to do it. So now when he notices (impending) darkness outside he'll remark that "it's (almost) too late." He also says inquisitively, "it's too late?", seeking confirmation, or defensively, "it's not too late!"

-Finally, every once-in-a-while he surprises us with the clarity and sophistication of his language. He left the dinner table toward the direction of Amy in the bathroom, saying, "I'm going to see Mama," before pausing and looking back at me with, "I will be right back."

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