Thursday, August 19, 2010

camping in sequoia

Back in February Amy said, "Let's go camping this summer". Much to our surprise, we had our pick of campsites in the Lodgepole campground in Sequoia National Park in August. Last weekend we finally made the trip. We were lucky enough to be joined by our good friends the Buckleys from up North. They made for great company.
That's Levi and Soren (1.5 yrs) chilling in their camp chairs. When that picture was taken, Micah and his buddy Matisse (3.9 yrs) were probably off building polar bear caves or fighting armies using sticks as guns. The boys had a lot of fun

and even were helpful:

As Tom Smothers said, "Some kind of help is the kind of help that helpings all about and some kind of help is the kind of help...that we all could do without!"

Our site sat right above the Marble Fork of the Kaweah River
Having outgrown our tiny 2-person backpacking tent, we got a new, six-person tent (thanks G&G) that can accommodate all of us. It even has 2 rooms! Here's the view we woke up to from it:The backpacking tent has been downgraded to the "play tent":

What did Micah see in the campfire?

Mythology informs his everyday existence--he is so steeped in it. Ironically, he found the marshmallows to disgusting to eat after roasting them and his preferred 'smores recipe was a cold piece of chocolate on a graham cracker, hold the marshmallow.

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