Sunday, July 11, 2010

Yea, yea...we've been busy

So we have been a little busy. Yes, even too busy to blog and I am sure we have lost some of the faithful followers out there. I am not feeling particularly poetic, so I'll just get to what you're all waiting for: the pics. I may as well start with today and slowly work my way backwards.

We have a very active toddler on our hands. He may only be barely over 1 year old...but he walks around town with all the pluck of a 2 year old--though with a incoherent blathering gibberish that gives him the air of someone all together from another country. He is clearly talking...just not in a way any of us can understand. "Da! Da! Da!" is dog, and "Bu Bu Bu" is bird but beyond that we have no idea. He points emphatically, however, which gets him successfully where he wants to go.

These are from today. Hours ago. So this is as current a glimpse as you can ask for.

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