Monday, November 24, 2008

This is Fall

Micah had his last swim lesson this weekend. By "swim lesson" we mean "parent and child water adjustment class." He is still adjusting. As am I to the idea of outdoor swim lessons in November, but hey, this is how we roll now. Of course the wind chill factor brings it down to a chilly 70 degrees at least:

On a separate note, the "I" above actually refers to me, Micah's mom. Zack was threatening to change the name of the blog for a while there while I was shirking on my blogging duties and asleep by 7:30pm every night. I've had a lot going on inside of me. Here is me at the park on a typical day trying to keep it together:

The good news: I'm almost out of the first trimester and we heard ony one heartbeat last Friday.

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