Tuesday, September 02, 2008

PC is the place to be

Ahhh...Putnam Camp. We spent a lovely few day in the Adirondacks at our perennial home-away-from home. This year we stayed in the Shanty Attic and enjoyed cook-out/campfire night only steps way from our room.

Immediately upon our arrival, Micah, clad as a Nigerian native, gravitated towards the extreme-croquet set and claimed a wicket:
He held onto it as we made our way up the steps to the Shanty Attic:
Our first order of business was to head on down to Buttermilk Falls (if you are prompted for a password when you click on the link, type "stoop"), off of Hulls Falls Road.
Micah enjoyed scrambling up the bank from the river, the first of many scrambles this trip.
Some more scene from around camp:

And of course, one of the best parts of the trip was getting to see baby Mateo 'Matato' Fiori again, along with his dearly missed parents, Nick and Kristin.
Please be patient with us as we catch up on our blogging. Stay tuned for more tomorrow.

1 comment:

JoSco said...

You are getting sooooo big cuz! But I want that dump truck - mine, mine... (I figured you deserved at least one real comment instead of weird auto-comment spam!)