Thursday, April 19, 2007

Breaking news story

We interrupt the usually mundane details of what some have dubbed, "The Bored Mommy Blog" for this breaking news story:

We just had a full nine seconds of standing! Nine whole seconds! And Micah didn't even fall down, just a controlled lowered plop back to the floor. Can you tell I'm excited? How about a few more exclamation marks for emphasis!!!!!! other news, Micah had a visit from the lovely Lucy O yesterday. Kittens...How cute are they? Sorry I had a Samantha Bee moment. I mean, cute are they?

Making his move...

We totally did not stage this. This was pure Micah:

1 comment:

JoSco said...

Hey Tia Amy - I'm sure you're not bored - exhausted maybe, but cousin Micah keeps you on your toes! So cute, as always :) And congrats cousin Micah on the standing - you'll be walking any day now...