Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Who would have ever thought...

The things you never thought you would own:
1) a breast pump with a kitchy name like, "Pump in Style" (because whipping your boobs out and placing hard plastic shields against them while a motor rhythmically sucks away at your nipples is always haute couture, darling)
2) a product named "Boudreaux's Butt Paste"
and finally,
3) a garish plastic multicolored monstrosity that takes up 4 square feet of valuable floor space, but buys you enough time to make dinner, post a blog entry and catch up on some needed personal hygiene tasks, while entertaining your wee babe. Oh St. Exersaucer where have you been these 5 months?


Mel said...

No, no, say it ain't so! The exersaucer just doesn't fit with my decor!

JoSco said...

Sigh - i can see we're going to need one of these suckers someday, too...