And falling into the category of: "What the hell were they thinking dressing me like that????". Zack mentioned that when I put this black onesie on Micah that it looked like a leotard. We'll I went with it, and.... "Let's get physical! physical! Let's get physical, physical!" (Disregard the nasal aspirator in his mouth--it doesn't work anyway!)
Yes, those are flames. (and, I suppose he does look rather flaming...) Incidentally, the obvious answer to why we would subject our child to such an outlandish outfit is simple: These photos are going to be priceless someday, when Micah a) starts brings dates home b) is acting out as a teenager or c) generally just needs to be put in his place.
Micah has been all about the choo choo train this week, ever since Ben's party last week and the BRIO-bonanza. He chimes in with the real-life train that passes by our house 20 thousand times a day and with all his choo choo-ing we thought it appropriate to introduce him to the Steam Trains up in Tilden. Needless to say, it was a big hit and sadly tears were shed when it was time to say "Bye-bye."
Our apologies--but it isn't my fault! Zack has been monopolizing the computer. Seems he's close to achieving this whole PhD thing and well, this is crunch time. We are eagerly awaiting October 5th when the latest Job Opportunities for Economists is posted and we can have some (albeit extremely rough) idea of the possible places in the world we could be moving to. But enough about us, we know what you really came here for.
Micah had his 15 month check up on Friday. The stats: He weighed in at 24lbs 3 oz--respectable given he was sick all last week and hardly ate a thing. That was good enough for 50th percentile. He is 33" tall (long) which put him in at 90th percentile. Conclusion: still long and lean, and otherwise in excellent health.
I wish I could pepper you with photos but it seems we don't photograph our child anymore. I guess ever since he got kind of un-cute... JUST KIDDING! It is not his dastardly good looks that have kept us from photographing him, just his quickening stride.
We'll have you know Micah is becoming quite the chatterbox too (wonder where he gets that from?). In fact he has been sitting in his crib the past twenty minutes merrily having a conversation with himself. He's added "more" to his vocabulary (just in time for him to start signing it with his hands, incidentally--damn baby sign language!). "More" can mean both "more" but also "I want" as in he is watching you eat or drink something that he wants and he says, "more" or tugs at my shirt and says, "more"--not embarrassing in the least, let me tell you.
Otherwise referred to as 15 months old. For posterity's sake we took this photo over dinner, just as Micah was dumping out his lentil soup. Charming.
And here he is yesterday at Rachael's 30th birthday pool party. Seems he forgot how much he enjoys swimming and we had a long reintroduction period. He warmed up eventually but it looks like we'll be signing up for swim lessons at the Y again. That or we'll go move in with cousin Joey or Reece.
And of course there was the greatly anticipated wedding of Sylvia and Dana in Keene, New Hampshire:
We enjoyed ourselves immensely at Apple Hill (especially with the pre-arranged babysitters!). Here we are pre-mojitos and vino:
Rather than photo-ops Micah preferred keeping the party going back at the Sugar House:
And hanging out with his new friends, the lovely Miss Addison (Sylly's niece):
Henry: And Forrest (with papa Tucker- of Putnam bench fame):
After the wedding we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's for a brief visit before the dreaded transcontinental flight home (we'll save that report for another post). The pond has developed nicely and is an excellent place for pebble splashing, frog catching and wading:
En route from the Adirondacks to New Hampshire we swung by The Farmer's Diner for a locally grown Vermont version of the classic greasy spoon. We had read about the diner in the New York Times awhile back and the cheesy fries, strawberry milkshake, pastured eggs, and maple-cured bacon didn't disappoint. Micah slept through virtually all of Vermont, but woke up for lunch:
As an added bonus Quechee, VT boasts a Train Museum, Choo-Choo and classic carousel ride. Watch this rather dull video of Micah's first Choo-Choo ride (as parents we are obligated to record such life events, sorry):
Ahhh, Putnam Camp, that idyllic retreat nestled in the Adirondack's High Peaks Region. So much to do, and sadly just two and half days to do it. Still two and half days was better than no days, plus we got to see Nick and ( a very preggers) Kristin.
Collecting croquet balls on the lawn:
Special ASHLINE delivery for the Farm House: Relaxing in the quintessential Adirondack chair:
Playing ball with Grandpa on the Bungalow porch:
Wooden carts to play in:
Attempted family portrait:
Micah, Mama and Thyme on Tucker and Sylvia's bench:
What would PC be without bagging a few peaks? In my case I climbed two: Porter and Cascade, meeting up with (or should I say beating) the rest of the family up Cascade after bagging Porter (I am officially a 5er for those who know or care):
On the way up (prunes in Micah's mouth--they took effect at the top of Cascade): And would PC be complete without getting wet? The Ladies pool, outdoor shower or a dip in the Boquet:
Did I mention Micah can walk down stairs now? If there is the appropriate height handrail he'll make the attempt upright:
If there is one developmental milestone to summarize Micah's last month (and still) it is: Verbal Communication.
Bear with me on this one. Recall that this blog also serves not only potential entertainment value for its viewers but perhaps more importantly a mind-numbingly dull chronicle of Micah's life so that when our new parent-friends ask, "When did Micah do _______ ?"or, "Did Micah ever do _______?" I can actually access this information...because damn! how quickly one forgets! I digress, however. I better throw in a cute picture to hold your attention:
Micah's words Of course you'll all recall: "Mama", "Dada", "up" and his first, "kitty cat". But now we've added "out", "ball", "go", "hi", "bye-bye", "baby", "cheese", "eyes", "key" and some animal sounds: "Whoo Whoo" for an owl, "moo" for a cow, "woof woof" for--you guessed it, a dog! and my personal favorite "Co-Cu -Cu Cu-Cooo!" like an Arrested Development chicken:
There are some words only a parent might recognize: "down" (sounds like a garbled "gown"), two closely related sounds "Uh!" that depending upon intonation and context means "on" or "off", "flou" is flower, "Ha" is hot, "Ko" is cold. "Peek-a-boo" is getting closer everyday. He'll say, "bu" when he sees a bus, "boo" for book, "pu" for puzzle and yesterday, Chrisy as my witness, Micah said his first two word phrase, "All done" (clear as day to this mother's ears) and this morning I heard him working on "thank you" with Zack. These last two words fall under the category of mimicking. (Update: this morning he clearly said "thank you" in an appropriate context and completely unprompted.)
We live with a parrot. While back East Zack was calling for Chris, "Mooooom!" Next thing you hear Micah repeating, "Moooom!"
This all means one of us seriously needs to start watching her potty mouth.
Micah has been fired, permanently. Effective immediately I, his mother, will be regaining exclusive writing rights on this blog until Micah can prove he has an attention span of at least 3 minutes in any other aspect of his life.
So....TIME TO CATCH UP! It has been a busy month for the family: travel to New England, dinner parties, behavioral economics experiments, math camp, band camp (aka: Sylvia's wedding), where to begin? How about at home and Micah's penchant for picking unripe fruit-- tomatoes and strawberries being chief among them. We intercepted and Micah managed to pick a ripe one here, but trust me, "fried green tomatoes" have features heavily in our summer fare. Than there was that nasty pox outbreak in our house: We survived...but barely.