22ish pounds
6 teeth
still possesses all 10 fingers and toes (phew!)
plays ball (will pass it to you again and again and again and a....)
says ma-ba
clicks his tongue
claps hands together
blows spit bubbles
cruises on furniture
crawls up stairs
mastered pincer grasp (the better to pick up stray cat food pellets with)
looks for objects that he's dropped
purposely drops objects because he know's he's got your number and you'll pick it up for him (again and again and again)
dances (shakes his booty while standing and listening to music)
bangs objects together, on other objects, people, the cat, the floor, the window...
blows bubbles in the bath and pool
can sleep through the night (but doesn't always choose too)
understands "no" (as in he stops, pauses, smiles at you and does it anyway)
and a thousand other wonderful details that I can't recall at present
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