We braved the trek up 101 to Fairfax to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family. The drive went decidedly better than the one in August. The highlight of the trip was seeing my middle school girlfriends and their babies. Of six girls, we have eight children among us, seven of whom are boys. How's that for a skewed sex ratio?
Where did November go? Well here we are nearing the end and we have a back log of great photos. Grandad Joe visited earlier this month and as he is the photographer, you'll just have to take our word he was here and captured the boys on film:
Levi eyes my beer at Padaro grill:
As usual, he came bearing another large vehicular plastic monstrosity which was a big hit:
"Me and my homies, so drop that We rollin' on twenties, with the top back So much money, you can't stop that"
After quite a while Levi has finally figured out how to maneuver that Buddha belly and demonstrates his latest trick:
It's an exciting developmental milestone, but as is commonly the case: once a baby picks up a new trick, it wreaks havoc on the sleep. Levi wakes himself up having rolled over to unfamiliar territory and can't fall back asleep.
Proud boy: Here he plots his take over of the world: And here there is something about his look that reminds us of his cousin Joey (not the expression, but something in the eyes) :
So Micah had a toy when he was a wee one that we have since passed down to Levi. It is a great toy and Micah has taken to calling it Dr. Bee for a couple of months now. The other day he finally enlightened us as to why the name: Micah always puts the plastic hook around around the bug's neck and he explained it looks like a stethoscope...hence Doctor bee. Oh ! now we get it! and here Levi models his latest vertical-assistance devices: