Levi had his two month check up today, complete with a full round of vaccines; he is wiped out. Not surprisingly he is huge! (Warning: statistics coming up) 95th percentile for length (25.25"); 90th percentile for weight (14 lbs 12 oz) and 80th percentile for head circumference (16.5")--not a pinhead!
Whereas I was brimming with pride with similar stats for Micah--I'm actually, in an odd way, saddened by Levi's development. He was meant to stay my little baby for longer. I was hoping for pipsqueak status, but alas, I have another big baby. Which--in these waning days of babyhood, and as Levi kicks and arches in the precurser to rolling over--prompts me to write about some things I hope never to forget about this precious and brief time (but I know I will because I forgot them temporarily from Micah's baby days, until Levi delighted me with the same sweet gestures and sounds--and added a few of his own):
The way he curls up, legs tucked in and back arching with bum sticking out, upon being picked up;
His toothless smile;
When he purses his lips, mimicking me, to make his own baby coos and ooohs;
The way he stops nursing to look up at me and smile;
The amazing discovery of his fist and the repeated action of examining it so closely it hits him in the eye--again and again;
The way he grabs at his curls above his ear while nursing;
His laugh.
Is it that I am enjoying my last week at home of maternity leave before a last hurrah vacation to Montana, then back to work in September that I am so sentimental? Perhaps. With children time just goes by so quickly. Woosh! I'm just riding the current, but wouldn't mind a peaceful eddy to get caught up in and idle for a spell.